Rise for the Fight Private Alpha Build 13 is Out Now

Private Alpha Build 13 Changelog:

- Smoothed out all guns, as well as the maps Pathed Pillars and Stadium.

- Added NEW Mode: Heart Attack - SMG-P1 Starts, Health Stims are disabled, and every kill upgrades your health by 15 points, as well as fully regenerating it. Max health is 150. First player to get 10 kills wins.

- Fixed an issue in Roulette where gun progression would skip some tiers if you overdealt damage to another player.

- Headshots have been disabled in Roulette and Heart Attack, due to the gun progression not working if a headshot occurs in Roulette.

- Surge now works on the map Streets.

- Added Victory and Defeat text to indicate if you won or lost.

- Removed "Game Over" announcement sound.


RFTF Windows B13.zip 49 MB
Jan 01, 2023

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