Rise for the Fight Private Alpha Build 10 is Out Now

Private Alpha Build 10 Changelog:

- Added Downtown to Moshpit.

- Changed Moshpit Endless to Moshparty.

- Fixed an issue where the HP6 sounds wouldn't play.

- Decreased Healing Stims in Pandemic from 2 to 1.

- Increased Zombie Health in Pandemic from 120 to 300.

- Gave players in Moshpit 1 Healing Stim to start off.

Known Issues in this build:

- In Moshpit, the round start sound will really loudly play indefinitely, and the round will go on until all players die, if there is more than 1 player.

- In Moshpit, some pressing "E" may not work at times when trying to purchase items.

- Players can become invisible after respawning on occasion. Other players cannot see the invisible player, and if shot enough by the invisible player, the player who is receiving damage will not die. This has only been tested in Gun Party Doubled Stats.

- Some players may experience "artifacting" with this game when they load up a match. This is not a hardware fault with your machine.

- Some players may take a while before loading into a match, especially if using a hard drive, and not a solid state drive.

- In Pandemic and Infection, when there are no humans left, the last player to respawn before the game ends will be the player everyone else spectates before going back to lobby. 

- Sometimes, after getting your first kill and going forward, your kill counter won't count up sometimes, but your "Kill Streak" text will correctly count up after each kill. This issue is fixed when you die, however we're looking into a permanent fix.

- In Roulette, if you deal more damage than the DI Upgrade needs, it will skip some guns when upgrading.


RFTF Windows B10.zip 47 MB
Nov 07, 2022

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