Rise for the Fight Private Alpha Build 7 is Out Now

Private Alpha Build 7 Changelog:

- Added NEW Gun: CP6 Combat Pistol - Built-in 6 Round Mag, Full Auto with slow rate of fire, high accuracy, and deals 20 damage.

- MAR5 Corrosion Rifle has had it's firing sound reworked, and it sounds slightly better.

- Gun Stat Upgrade Sound is now slightly louder.

- Increased Max Player Count for all modes to 10 Players!

- Changed Matchmaking Type from In-Map Queue, to Lobby Queue. In the lobby, you can see the amount of players in it, and if host, change maps, and start the game.

- Decreased SMG-P1 ammo capacity from 45 to 30, and ammo reserves from 450 to 300.

- Decreased SMG-P1 damage from 12 to 10.

- Increased MAR5 ammo capacity from 30 to 40, and ammo reserves from 300 to 400. 

- Increased MAR5 damage from 10 to 12.

- Decreased MAR5 ROF from 9 to 8.

- Increased SG3 Shotgun spread from 8 to 15.

- Added HAM-GUN and SMG-P1 to Roulette.

- Added CP6 to Pandemic and Infection.

- Updated Roulette Match End Requirement from 720 DI / 15 Kills to 900 DI / 30 Kills.

- Fixed Gun Issues, where some players wouldn't be able to see their ammo stats, and selected glove color until they died, and respawn.

- Made the animations for the HAM-GUN and SMG-P1 sync across the network.

- Disabled Clash and Infection temporarily to fix some major issues that occured when the matchmaking system was updated. Plan to see them again in the next update.

- Renamed Gun Party Doubled Stats to Adrenaline Gun Party.

- Added Borders for all maps.

- Made ammo stats in Roulette visible! This has been enabled since there was a fix with the gun issues mentioned above, and the patch also fixed the update method for showing ammo stats.

- Added Last Man Standing traits in Pandemic and Infection.

Known Issues in this build:

- Players can become invisible after respawning on occasion. Other players cannot see the invisible player, and if shot enough by the invisible player, the player who is receiving damage will not die. This has only been tested in Gun Party Doubled Stats.

- Some players may experience "artifacting" with this game when they load up a match. This is not a hardware fault with your machine.

- Some players may take a while before loading into a match, especially if using a hard drive, and not a solid state drive.

- In Pandemic and Infection, when there are no humans left, the last player to respawn before the game ends will be the player everyone else spectates before going back to lobby. 

- Sometimes, after getting your first kill and going forward, your kill counter won't count up sometimes, but your "Kill Streak" text will correctly count up after each kill. This issue is fixed when you die, however we're looking into a permanent fix.

- In Roulette, if you deal more damage than the DI Upgrade needs, it will skip some guns when upgrading.

- When a player meets the requirements to end the game, only they will leave, and everyone else will be in that room until there is 1 player left.


RFTF Windows B7.zip 45 MB
Oct 27, 2022

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